Live Q&A: Incoterms® 2020 – Get Your Questions Answered

How confident do you feel using the Incoterms® rules? Do you feel comfortable advising your clients or colleagues in other departments? Can you explain the rules to them in simple terms? Perhaps you have a solid understanding of the Incoterms® rules. You know the definitions and can recite the contractual obligations off by heart but still have some niggling questions or concerns. Or maybe you’re just not sure your understanding is 100% up to date since the launch of the Incoterms® 2020 at the start of this year.
How confident do you feel using the Incoterms® rules? Do you feel comfortable advising your clients or colleagues in other departments? Can you explain the rules to them in simple terms?
Perhaps you have a solid understanding of the Incoterms® rules. You know the definitions and can recite the contractual obligations off by heart but still have some niggling questions or concerns. Or maybe you’re just not sure your understanding is 100% up to date since the launch of the Incoterms® 2020 at the start of this year.
And when you do have concerns or questions, where do you go for answers?
We know that many of our Incoterms® 2020 Certificate students don’t have many people they can talk to internally. They are often the people giving advice and don’t have a sounding board within their own organisation. There are few people who have the authority and experience to answer their questions.
ICC Academy’s Live Masterclasses are designed to provide that sounding board by giving you direct access to highly experienced ICC experts. Even after taking our courses, we know that people still have questions and there is always room to improve your understanding of important topics. Especially when it comes to the Incoterms® rules.
That’s why we are delighted to announce our new 2.5 hour live question and answer session on the Incoterms® rules with Bob Ronai, a member of the ICC Incoterms 2020® Drafting Group. Walk away with a renewed sense of clarity and confidence about using the rules.