The EU delegation and the RMIT organised a dairy roundtable on 9 September 2022

The EU delegation and the RMIT organised a dairy roundtable on 9 September 2022 in Melbourne. The meeting brought together Economic and Commercial Counsellors of EU Diplomatic Missions in Australia and a broad range of dairy stakeholders, notably Dairy Australia, the Australian Dairy Federation, the Australian Dairy Products Federation, Food and Fibre Gippsland and some dairy farmers, as well as academics working in this area.
The meeting was an opportunity for an exchange of views around a number of key issues on sustainable approaches to pre-farm gate and post-farmgate practices, such as animal welfare, provenance methods, Geographical Indications, use of digital technologies, management of bobby calves, technology and innovation in finding new products, in waste and greenhouse gas management, and interlinkages between the dairy industry and other agricultural sectors. It was agreed to keep such dialogue open in order to foster EU-Australia collaboration.