An expert in trade management must be able to demonstrate a well rounded knowledge of trade related disciplines

GTPA has developed the only international standard for certifying trade professionals. The Global Trade Professional (GTP) Programme, has been developed under ISO/IEC 17024, for the certification of professional competence in the various global trade disciplines.
GTP certification is based on the candidate demonstrating the fulfilment of a minimum number competence standards.
The GTPA Programme fulfils the relevant requirements of ISO/IEC 17024, Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons which is the recognised international standard for the certification of persons.
Individuals that are GTP certified will be able to undertake their trade related responsibilities in a competent and effective manner.
Successful demonstration that Certification Requirements are fulfilled results in the granting of certification, permission to use the post nominals (cert.GTP, cert.GTM or cert.GTE) in addition to graduate post-nominals.
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