GTPA is delighted to announce a collaboration with ManchesterCF

GTPA is delighted to announce a collaboration with ManchesterCF a global financial intelligence training service. ManchesterCF training solutions are designed to train financial services and banks in core areas that can help them to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation financing, corruption & financial fraud.
The two organisations will collaborate with the purpose of strengthening the relations between the two organisations regarding the ISO/IEC 17024 certification of trade and compliance professionals with a focus on and the linkages to the ManchesterCF expertise as a leading educational provider in this field.
Kim Manchester the Managing Director of ManchesterCF said “Online financial intelligence training is a key component of any financial institution’s anti-money laundering compliance program. The FIU Connect (Trade-Based Money Laundering) program provides GTPA members with analytical tools to identify the patterns of trade-based money laundering in traditional trade finance, open account and supply chain finance.FIU Connect (Trade-Based Money Laundering) refines the awareness of those in international trade to detect financial crime.”
Global trade professionals are aware of the importance of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing compliance programs within a financial institution.
Given the complexities of trade-based money laundering, anti-corruption and economic sanctions, a comprehensive training program must be implemented by financial institutions.
ManchesterCF has created a dedicated digital classroom for GTPA members that addresses the compliance training needs of international trade professionals. Subjects include fundamental anti-money laundering, trade-based money laundering, corruption and economic sanctions.
All online training programs include a digital certificate, computer-based training and knowledge assessment. For samples of these training programs, visit
The GTPA will be launch the NEW ISO/IEC 17024 certification of trade and compliance professionals in the next month. The certification covers demonstrated experience in Illicit Trade, Cybersecurity and Money Laundering and Corruption and Financial Fraud compliance.
Craig Weeks the Trade and Supply Chain Finance Advisor for the GTPA said “The importance of anti-money laundering compliance cannot be overstated in the current environment. Having staff with deep and standardized compliance comprehension is required of all banks and non-bank financial institutions. Whether your role is directly related to a compliance function, or you serve is some other capacity in your institution, having successfully completed this program and receiving ISO/IEC certification will be an important recognition of your expertise to your peers and counterparties in the industry.” Professionals working across all aspects of trade and compliance in a global environment will be eligible to apply.