GTPA launches new Ecommerce solutions for businesses in Australia & New Zealand

30.09.2018 Lisa McAuley

Exporting online presents exciting opportunities for Australian & New Zealand businesses thinking of expanding to new markets and the value of online sales is expected to grow to $16.2 trillion.

For small businesses and particularly for companies located in regional areas this presents a unique opportunity to enter new global markets that might never have been possible in the past.

Lisa McAuley, CEO of the GTPA said “Whilst Ecommerce and selling online can present numerous opportunities for Australian businesses it also comes with certain risks. Ecommerce certainly presents easier access to new markets, however to be successful like companies must prepare carefully to mitigate and manage the risks. This is why the GTPA is pleased to launch new Ecommerce solutions and services in partnership with the global Ecommerce Foundation.”

Through GTPA’s alliance with the global Ecommerce Foundation GTPA can work with companies in Australia & New Zealand to grow online by access to a range of services designed to specifically facilitate and support SMEs to trade online globally. These include access to a selection of internationally recognised online training workshops, research reports, the Ecommerce Benchmark which allows online retailers to compare & improve their Ecommerce activities and access to Ecommerce Wiki an online guide for ecommerce managers with templates & process descriptions.

Driving the new Ecommerce services, Ms Collins Rex, Director of the GTPA said: “We are particularly excited to also partner with the Ecommerce Foundation to introduce Safe.Shop a Global Ecommerce Trust Mark to facilitate global digital trade. There is a clear need for building global trust in Ecommerce. As reported in the Global Cross-Border B2C Market in billions $ report by the World Bank and Accenture Analysis, between 2020-2025, 30% of all Ecommerce will be cross border. Safe.Shop will empower business to build trust with their international customers as they grow into new markets overseas.”

“Building trust internationally is vitally important to companies targeted new international clients, the 2015 Ecommerce Foundation, Cross Border Barriers Study reported that a lack of trust was rated as the 4th largest barrier of cross border trade by merchants and as reported by CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust in 2017 up to 49% of all consumers with internet access who are not shopping online report a lack of trust as the primary reason for choosing not to purchase online. Of those who do shop online, more than 50% lose trust when the webshop is based in another country.” Collins Rex said

GTPA is delighted to introduce Safe.Shop in Australia & New Zealand as we believe this will be a first step for assisting businesses seeking to grow into new markets and counter build trust across global borders.

For media enquiries please contact: Collins Rex
Global Trade Professionals Alliance
+ 61 410 447 782