Remote working, data & privacy in times of crisis

20.04.2020 Lisa McAuley
Remote working, data & privacy in times of crisis

In the past few months, we’ve all added a string of new acronyms and terms to our business vocabulary. WFH (work from home), BYOD (bring your own device), and FoW (future of work) have entered into everyday usage, while “asynchronous/synchronous communication”, “distributed team/work”, “cloud work”, and others, are gaining mainstream traction.

Of course, working remotely, that is, outside a formal office setting, has implications way beyond just becoming familiar with new terminology.

Remote work brings with it a multitude of issues around the handling of data, and privacy (the company’s, the customer’s and the employee’s).

Our next “Business Health Check” session focuses on these very important issues.

If you, or your staff, are working from a location other than your formal office, you need to be across the topics we’ll be discussing:

  • Updating your data & privacy policies
  • Common privacy breaches
  • Dealing with hackers
  • Surveillance
  • Risk & dealing a data breach
Event details

Date: Tuesday 25th August at 7pm (EST, EDT)/ Wednesday 26th August at 10am (AED)

Register here: