Festival of Inclusive Trade

Inclusive trade refers to the principle that all levels of society should gain from increased trade. It promotes the inclusion of groups that may currently be marginalised or challenged in their ability to engage with international trading opportunities.
The GTPA is planning to develop an Inclusive Trade White Paper that will produce practical recommendations on how capacity building and standard setting can facilitate a more inclusive international trading ecosystem. The paper will focus on four groups – gender, youth, diaspora and indigenous communities – and the importance of standards and capacity building to support their engagement in international trading opportunities. It will produce recommendations to benefit organisations, institutions and individual professionals engaged in international trade.
To facilitate the development of this white paper, the GTPA is seeking to engage with as many representatives of the highlighted groups as possible.
Over the course of October 2020, you can get involved by
- Hosting a virtual moderated panel discussion around the key issues of inclusive trade
- Fielding a keynote speaker
- Presenting case studies of successful representative businesses across all four groups: women, youth, indigenous and diaspora
- Suggesting a creative work to feature in the mini arts festival
Panel members, moderators and presenters will be drawn from representative groups from a range of economies, both developed and emerging. The GTPA will seek the engagement and endorsement of organisations representing the highlighted groups, as well as like-minded businesses, media and governments to both support and promote the festival.
The festival is intended to become an annual event, with face-to-face events added as gatherings and travel are once again permitted post COVID-19.
For further information, or to become involved, contact the Festival Director, Collins Rex at collinsrex@GTPAlliance.com.
Click HERE to find out more.